My senior year I was part of the homecoming court. I was so shocked. I was not a nerd, but I was by no means popular. I knew most all crowds in school but I was not really a part of once particular group. I am happy about that. But it turns out the original 20 candidates for the homecoming court are selected by teachers. So, when I hear that, being on the list of 20 was not that shocking. A lot of teachers liked me. What was shocking was when I remained one of the top 5. That is up to the students, so I was not expecting them to vote me as one of the 5. I was not sure about all this. In fact the first I heard that I was part of the 20 I wanted to have myself removed. See I was a very angry girl towards my mom. My mom always wanted me to be in Cheerleading and on the Homecoming Court. So, when I first heard this news, all I wanted was to have nothing to do with it as it would give my mom so much joy. I know, I was a teenager. We all have issues with our parents….LOL I actually left my classroom when the announcement was made because I had such conflicting feelings about being on the court. But when I found out the 20 were picked my the teachers and the students will vote for the top five and ultimately the Homecoming Queen, I was OK with hanging around in the court for a week. I seriously did not think the students were going to keep me. Otherwise, I would have dropped out. Then when the actual Homecoming Court was announced and my name was still on there, I actually was really upset. I really had no desire to be on the court. But I did. My boyfriend at the time told me it was an honor and I should be happy. So, I worked on that. We all knew who was going to win and we were all OK with it. They make you take a picture the morning of the Homecoming Game as the queen with all the other nominee’s around you. So, we took 5 pictures with each of us as the queen. They announce the winner at the Homecoming Football game, during halftime. That might have been the only Football game I attended my whole time at High School. Probably not, but I did not go to many J All the women on the Homecoming court was to be walked up with their father. That was another thing I was not so sure of. See, the part where my dad is a part of the homecoming court, that made me actually really happy when I found that out (see, I am such a daddy’s girl). But my dad is ALWAYS late to everything, so I was nervous about that. My dad was late on getting his tux fitted. First scare. My dad was to be there at either 7 or 7:30. I cannot really remember. What I do remember is that I told my dad he had to be there actually 30 minutes before he really needed to be there in hopes that he would not be late. Well, he made it just in time to walk me up, but pictures were already taken with the girls and their dad. So while each girl on the court got their picture taken all dressed up with their dad’s all snazzy in their tuxes, I had my picture taken with my boyfriend who was in his OVHS long sleeved shirt and a corduroy jacket. That is the picture I have in my senior year book with all the other girls with their dad. So, I was so sad that moment was not the special moment I had so hoped for. In fact, it was the only good thing that was coming out of this stupid court thing. At least that is what I felt. I give my dad jokingly crap about this from time to time, but to be honest, I am not sure he knows just how hurt and disappointed I was by this. I should be used to it, and I told myself that then to feel better. But I was crushed. Not many really good things happen to me and this was something that in my eyes that was going to be really good and special for me and my dad, but as usual, it was a good thing gone bad.
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